10/2020 University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Habilitation, venia legendi in Political Science.
04/2016 University of Mainz, Germany
PhD (Dr. phil.) in Political Science (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kai Arzheimer).
09/2008-05/2009 University of Glasgow, UK
Exchange year, Political Science and Computer Science.
03/2011 University of Mainz, Germany
Magister Artium (= Master of Arts)
Joint degree: Political Science (major), Computer Science, and Accounting.
Master thesis „The voters of the extreme right – an empirical analysis of the NPD’s voters 1969“.
Professional Experiences
Since 04/2022 Full Professor of Political Science (W3)
University of Bamberg, Germany
10/2023-09/2024 Visiting Professor (5%)
KU Leuven, Belgium
12/2019-12/2022 Head of Research Cluster on Data and Methods & DeZIM.fdz
German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM), Berlin, Germany
10/2020-03/2022 Privatdozentin (Senior Research Fellow)
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
10/2016-11/2019: Post-Doctoral Researcher & Project Manager (Immigrant German Election Study)
Chair for Empirical Political Science, Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres, Department of Political Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
11/2015-09/2016: Post-Doctoral Researcher
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Berlin.
04/2012-11/2015 Research and Teaching Associate (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin)
Chair for German Politics and Political Sociology, Prof. Dr. Kai Arzheimer, Department of Political Science at the University of Mainz, Germany
04/2011-03/2012 Research and Teaching Associate (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin)
Chair for German Politics and Political Sociology, Prof. Dr. Jürgen W. Falter, Department of Political Science at the University of Mainz, Germany
2005-2011 Internships and student jobs
- Infratest-dimap, Berlin, Election surveys (3 months)
- Europäische Akademie Berlin, Web administration/-programming (2 years)
- fabio tripicchio e-mail-marketing, Freiburg i.Br., Market research, Accounting, and Web administration/-programming (8 years)
- MSG Systems AG, Eschborn, Marketing assistant (1 year)
- Trainee at Aperto AG, Berlin, Brand Communications (3 months)
Academic Functions
- Since 2023 Member of the Steering Committee of the German Society for Electoral Studies
- 2018-2024 Speaker of the section „Methods of Political Science“ of the German Association of Political Science (DVPW)
- 2020-2023 Member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR Standing Group on Political Methodology
- PolMeth Europe 2022 & 2021 Member of the Organisation Committee
- 2019-2022 Management Committee member of COST Action 16111 „International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities‘ Survey Data Network“
- 2012-2015 Elected member of the institute board (Institutsvorstand), Department of Political Science, JGU Mainz
- 2012 Member of the appointment committee for the chair in Fachdidaktik, Department of Political Science, JGU Mainz
- Section Co-Chair: Electoral Politics at the ECPR Graduate Conferences in Tartu 2016 & Innsbruck 2014
- Panel Chair: ECPR General Conference Hamburg 2018, EPSA Annual Conference Vienna 2018, ECPR Graduate Conferences in Tartu 2016 & Innbruck 2014
Grants and Awards
- 2021, DFG (with Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres & Prof. Dr. Dennis C. Spies), Immigrant German Election Study II: A local panel study, 530,330 Euros total (own part: 48,164 Euros)
- 2020, BMFSFJ – Racism Monitoring (with Dr. Susanne Veit), New measures for implicit attitudes, 60,000 Euros
- 2020, BMFSFJ – Racism Monitoring (with Dr. Stephanie Müßig), Measuring Racism in Law Text Books, 32,800 Euros
- 2020, Workshop grant, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (with Dr. Arndt Leininger), Actors without arena? Bringing the political behavior of youths and immigrants in to the mainstream“, 19,000 Euros
- 2019, Research grant, Programme for excellent junior scientists at the University of Duisburg-Essen, 21,000 Euros
- 2017-2019 Member of the Global Young Faculty V
- 2014-2016 Junior member of the Gutenberg Academy for Young Researchers
- 2014 & 2016 Conference travel grants from the DAAD
- 2013, 2014, & 2015 Conference travel grants from the University of Mainz
- 2013 Research grant, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (with Prof. Dr. Siegfried Schumann) ~30,000 Euros
Method Trainings
26.07-06.08.2021 Essex Summer School virtual
Causal Inference and Experiments in the Social Sciences & Introduction to Applied Bayesian Statistics
27.-28.06.2019 Workshop
Introduction to quanteda, Münster, Ken Benoît
30.04.2019 Workshop
Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Barcelona, Diana Zavala-Rojas
25.10.2018 Workshop
Introduction to Computational Text Analysis, Barcelona, Rochelle Terman
12.-17.08.2013 GESIS Summer School
Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling with MPLUS, Cologne, Jost Reinecke
14.-20.01.2013 ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques
Interpreting Binary Logistic Regression Models With Stata, Wien, Markus Wagner
15.-16.07.2012 Workshop
Computer-based text analysis with wordscore / R, Mainz, William Lowe
15.-28.08.2009 Sommer School
Multivariate Analysis with SPSS, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands, Ellen Hamaker
+++: LimeSurvey, Stata, WordPress
Programming/Markup languages
+++: LaTeX, R
+: Java, Python, Oracle SQL
German (native speaker), English (C1), and Italian (B2)