Research projects

My research is interdisciplinary and follows the paradigm of theoretically based empirical research. I am interested in the meaning, determinants, and consequences of social identities, especially national/ethnic identity as well as party identification for social cohesion and political behaviour. I also analyze the effects of other determinants (e.g. political knowledge, social norms, personality, negative voting) on (comparative) electoral behaviour. Furthermore, my research interests also lie in the field of Science Studies.

Currently I am working on these topics (** revision, * under review):

Determinants of voting behaviour

  • Transnational voting of Turkish voters in Germany* (with Achim Goerres, Jonas Elis & Dennis C. Spies)
  • Political socialisation and turnout among immigrant-origin voters (with Achim Goerres & Jonas Elis)
  • Activation trajectories of party identificiation amongst voters with and without migrations background (with Achim Goerres and Jonas Elis)
  • Conservative immigrant voters (with Achim Goerres and Jonas Elis)
  • Political and civic engagement (with Jannes Jacobsen & Jörg Dollmann)
  • Democratic satisfaction and citizenship (with Madeleine Siegel)

Social identity and intergroup conflicts

  • Flight and in-group attitudes among Ukrainians (with Jörg Dollmann, Jannes Jacobsen & Lisa Walter)
  • The conceptual division between negative partisanship and affective polarization* (with Luana Russo & Alexa Bankert)
  • Measuring negative partisanship in multi-party systems* (with Luana Russo)
  • The psychological bases of negative party identification

(Political) Methodology

Social inequality (not only in science)

  • Classism and political participation (with Magdalena Riedl)